Continuing Education


 2025 Events

Seminarios de Body Piercing Canarias (Spain)
The Wee Scottish Expo Edinburgh (Scotland)
Piercer trade show Manchester (UK)
FRAPPE Bordeaux (France)
APPE Madrid (Spain)
FEIBPMC Queretaro (Mexico)
APP-BR São Paulo (Brasil)
APP Las Vegas (USA)
CEP Valencia (Spain)
BMXnet Berlin (Germany)
GEP São Paulo (Brasil)
APP Benelux Eindhoven (Netherlands)
UKAPP Nottingham (UK)
PPP Conference Gdansk (Poland)
Piercer Trade Show Dublin (UK)
APP Camp (Atlanta)
AUPP Melbourne (Australia)
Congreso LBP (Mexico)
2 Meeting APP-PT Faro (Portugal)

Masterclass Group photo at Mu Body Arts

Past Events

 2024 Events

23 to 25 February – Seminarios de Body Piercing Canarias (Spain)
3 and 4 March – The Wee Scottish Expo Edinburgh (Scotland)
17 March – Piercer trade show Manchester (UK)
10 to 12 May – FRAPPE Bordeaux (France)
17 to 19 May – Meeting APPE Madrid (Spain)
24 to 26 May – APP-BR São Paulo (Brasil)
23 to 28 June – APP Las Vegas (USA)
8 to 12 July – RUAPP (LENINGRAD REGION Russia)
14 to 16 July – CEP Valencia (Spain)
1 to 4 August – BMXnet Berlin (Germany)
18 to 22 August – GEP São Paulo (Brasil)

7 and 8 September – APP Benelux Eindhoven (Netherlands)
15 to 17 September – UKAPP Nottingham (UK)
20 to 22 September – PPP Conference Gdansk (Poland)
6 October – Piercer Trade Show Dublin (UK)
8 to 12 October – APP Camp (Atlanta)
21 to 23 October – AUPP Melbourne (Australia)
4 – 8 November Congreso LBP (Mexico)
6 to 9 November – 2 Meeting APP-PT Faro (Portugal)


Technique Workshop at Mu Body Arts in Dijon 26-28 November 2023

Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer à nos collègues qu’une deuxième édition 2023 du séminaire “piercing aseptique & traumatique, techniques avancées” se tiendra avec Brian Skellie les 26, 27 & 28 novembre prochains !

3 jours / français and english

class description:

Au programme : utilisation et compréhension de la géométrie des aiguilles biseautées (dites “blades”), piercing atraumatique sans outils (dit “freehand”), optimisation des procédures, marquages et placements anatomiques, pratiques aseptiques et réduction des déchets, qualité des bijoux, matériaux et finitions, anodisation et aide à la migration vers les gammes les plus convoitées !

Sur trois jours, nous alternerons présentations, explications théoriques et démonstrations pratiques, questions/réponses, retours d’expériences et étude d’une diversité de situations, morphologies et interrogations auxquelles nous sommes confronté·e·s dans l’exercice de nos métiers.

Animé par Brian Skellie, ce séminaire permet d’apprendre directement de l’un des membres éminents de l’APP, avec une traduction en langue française simultanée. Se déroulant en petit comité, l’évènement permet de recevoir un coaching personnalisé. Enfin, c’est une occasion pour perceurs & perceuses de divers niveau d’expérience de se rencontrer, et de faire communauté !

Pour toute info complémentaire et réservation, prenez contact avec Veg Silencio. Comme d’habitude, les places sont limitées. Note : le séminaire est ouvert aux professionnel·le·s en exercice de tous niveaux d’expérience, mais ne constitue pas une formation initiale au piercing. 

Invitation / support information

APP-PT 1st – 4th November 2023

  • Needles : The Cutting Edge
  • A rising tide lifts all boats
  • Understanding Materials

AUPP 23rd – 25th October 2023

BMXnet 7th – 10th September 2023

UKAPP 24th – 26th September 2023

  • Asepsis – Theory and practice for piercers
  • Skin Prep and Draping
  • Sterilization for Immediate Use
  • Anodizing is Awesome!

APP —  25th  Annual APP Conference and Exposition at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas Sunday, June 11 – Friday, June 16

F.R.A.P.P.E. 26, 27 & 28 May 2023 Bordeaux




APP 2022 — Sunday, June 12 – Friday, June 17



Coletivo Sala Solidaria Roundtable talk December 14th 2021

APP Core Essentials






September 27 — 29 UKAPP in Manchester, UK

July 5 — 10 APP in Las Vegas, USA

The 25th Annual APP Conference and Exposition

#APP2020 #APPconference2020 #APPsafepiercing #APP25

September 10 — 13 BMXnet in Essen, Germany


Group photo from previous UKAPP event (I’m on the right with Madame President Nicole Holmes of the UKAPP and President Jef Saunders of the APP)

October 6 — 8 UKAPP in Manchester, UK

BMXnet 2019 banner

September 12 — 15 BMXnet in Essen, Germany

August 25 Technique seminar in Buenos Aires, Argentina with Laura VIK’T and Matias TAFEL

Brian Skellie at GEP 2019
Vejo você no Brasil!

August 18 — 22 GEP in Sao Paulo, Brasil

May 12 — 17 APP in Las Vegas, USA

The 24th Annual APP Conference and Exposition

#APP2019 #APPconference2019 #APPsafepiercing #APP24


September 6 — 9 BMXnet in Essen, Germany

September 2 — 4 UKAPP in Manchester, UK

August 13 — 16 RuAPP in Moscow, Russia

July 15 — 20 APP in Las Vegas, USA

The 23nd Annual APP Conference and Exposition

#APP 2018 #APPconference2018 #APPsafepiercing

January 28—30 Technique Seminar at Mu in Dijon, France 


November 25 — 26 YouModify in Milan, IT

YouModify banner

November 10— 11 Pro Piercers League Workshop in Joinville, BR

Pro Piercers League – Joinville 2017 Edition

I really want you to enjoy the coming of Brian Skellie, even though we are bringing to Brazil one of the most important names in the Body Piercing industry, my physical and virtual mentor who helped me and helped in various situations related to Body Piercing. And I have no doubt that your coming will help us and much in every way!

Excited and with great strength of will I am bringing to Brazil one of the most respected Professionals that has been working since 1992 and now

Those who really live this Body Piercing scene know that the name Brian Skellie crosses continents and his sympathy involves everyone around him, as well as being considered by the most experienced piercers a mind in favor of the industry.

Topics covered:

  • Responsibilities of Body Piercer (POP’s) with Ronaldo Sampaio
  • Understanding the Needle: Twists / Tips and Tricks
  • Security Standards
  • Anodizing What You Should Know
  • Bio Materials from the perspective of Brian Skellie

Duration 16 hours – Two consecutive days of a lot of information exchange

Ronaldo Sampaio

October 30 — November 3 LBP 5o Congresso in Santa Cruz TlaxcalaMexico

October 13 — 15 2017 BMXnet in Essen, DE

September 17 — 19 UKAPP in Birmingham, UK

August 13 — 15 Technique Seminar at Mu in Dijon, France 

June 11 — 16, 2017 APP Conference in Las Vegas, USA


Visit the event website. 22nd Annual Conference,
Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel and Casino

#APP2017 #APPconference2017 #APPsafepiercing





July 24 — 29, 2016 APP Conference in Las Vegas, USA

Visit the event website. 21st Annual Conference,
Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel and Casino

#APP 2016 #APPconference2016 #APPsafepiercing


November 2nd-6th, 2015 LBP Congreso in Metepec, Mexico


September 29th – October 3rd, 2015 Camp APP in Rutledge GA, USA

Camp APP : Members' Retreat - September 29th - October 3rd, Hard Labor Creek State Park, Rutledge GA Who can come: Business Members and Business Members at Large
Camp APP : Members’ Retreat – September 29th – October 3rd, Hard Labor Creek State Park, Rutledge GA
Who can come: Business Members and Business Members at Large

September 2015 BMXnet in Essen, Germany

BMXnet - Next Conference 3rd-6th September 2015
BMXnet – Next Conference 3rd-6th September 2015

June 2015 APP Conference in Las Vegas, USA

Visit the event website. 20th Annual Conference June 7 — June 12, 2015, Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel and Casino

#APP2015 #APPconference2015 #APPsafepiercing

November 2014 Body Art Development workshops in Venice, Italy

Three Days of Inspiration! November 10th - 12th 2014 , MO.VE Hotel - Venezia Body Art Development in collaboration with WWTC Worldwide Tattoo Conference presents three days of classes and workshop about body piercing
Three Days of Inspiration!
November 10th – 12th 2014 , MO.VE Hotel – Venezia
Body Art Development in collaboration with WWTC Worldwide Tattoo Conference presents three days of classes and workshop about body piercing

November 2014 LBP 2da Anuale Congreso in Metepec, Mexico

2do Congreso Internacional de Perforadores Profesionales 2014 3 al 6 de Noviembre de 2014 Tenemos el placer de invitarlos a nuestro Segundo Congreso LBP el cual se realizara del 3 al 6 de Noviembre 2014 y estamos trabajando duro para lograr de este un evento memorable.
2do Congreso Internacional de Perforadores Profesionales 2014
3 al 6 de Noviembre de 2014
Tenemos el placer de invitarlos a nuestro Segundo Congreso LBP el cual se realizara del 3 al 6 de Noviembre 2014 y estamos trabajando duro para lograr de este un evento memorable.

October 2014 BMXnet in Essen, Germany

Focus of our work is consumer protection, information and helpdesk to the bodymodification industries customers and by that we try to do our part in public health and education for a better, cleaner and professional industry. Education and the availability of information has always improved different parts of our daily life and it is about time to do that to the whole spectrum of bodymodification. Our goal is that regulations are made with a sense of proportion and that the industry will be involved in this. To reach all that goals one of our main instruments is the yearly conference we do to bring bodymodification professionals (tattooists, piercers and so on) together to share, learn and get updated – also for us this is the basis of our work to gather and publish information to the public. Next to this main mission, we want to develope and maintain the cultural aspects of bodymodification. To bring ancient rites like suspension, Kavadi and so on to the modern aspects of sterile and hygienic approved procedures.
A yearly conference we do to bring bodymodification professionals (tattooists, piercers and so on) together to share, learn and get updated – also for us this is the basis of our work to gather and publish information to the public.
APP 19th Banner

June 2014 APP Conference in Las Vegas

Read or download the program for the 2014 APP conference & expo

  • Workshop sponsor for infection control and instrument processing
  • Anodizing is Awesome! (2h)Learn how to anodize Titanium and Niobium body jewelry.
  • Statim Maintenance Roundtable
  • International Affairs Roundtable
  • Versatility in Piercing Techniques  (Five workshops, 2h each with Ed ChavarriaDana Dinius & Chris G Glunt)
    An overview of all techniques used for body piercing.
  • Needles: the Cutting Edge (2h with Luis GarciaHow to make needles work for optimal accuracy using bevel geometry and shaping techniques.
  • Statim Maintenance and Troubleshooting: Round Table Discussion (1h)

October 2013 BMXnet in Essen, Germany

  • Workshop sponsor for infection control and instrument processing
  • Anodizing is Awesome!
  • Statim workshop


June 2013 APP Conference in Las Vegas

  • Workshop sponsor for infection control and instrument processing
  • Anodizing is Awesome! (1.5h)
  • Minimizing Tools: An Intro to Tool-Less Piercing (Five workshops, 2h each with Ed Chavarria, Ron Garza & Chris G Glunt)
  • Statim Maintenance and Troubleshooting: Round Table Discussion (1h)

November 2012 ASAP Open Workshop in Stockholm, Sweden

On piercing side, we have the honor to present Brian Skellie from the United States for the first time who will hold the Open Workshop with Ola Hagman, president of ASAP and Senior Body Piercer at Barbarella. This workshop should not be missed as it is the first time that Brian Skellie piercing live in conjunction with a workshop in Sweden.


October 2012: BMXnet in Essen, Germany

  • Workshop sponsor for infection control and instrument processing
  • Advanced sterilization for Tattooists
  • Advanced sterilization for Piercing
  • Anodizing is Awesome!

2012 APP conference

June 17-22 2012 APP 2012 Conference

  • Workshop sponsor for infection control and instrument processing
  • Anodizing is Awesome (2h)Anodizing Class + Demonstration
    Brian Skellie makes it easy for you to anodize your titanium and niobium body jewelry with detailed information and rationale, accompanied by live demonstration and step by step instructions. How can this surface finish process make a difference in your client’s healing results? How can you re-anodize for client jewelry if the color has worn off? These questions and more answered in this class.
    Topics covered:
    • How and why to include anodization into your workflow for a cleaner and less reactive titanium surface finish
    • Scientastic live demonstration!
    • How to offer instant coloration / re-colorization for customers
  • Minimizing Tools: An Intro to Tool-Less Piercing (1.5h with Ed Chavarria, Ron Garza & Chris G Glunt)
    This workshop is an introduction to basic piercing procedures without using clamps. The focus of the workshop is to introduce people into different methods of “free-hand” piercing and pointers as to how to start getting used to piercing with less tools. This is a great workshop for beginners as well as a good refresher for the seasoned piercer.
  • Practical usage: Statim (2h with Chris Glunt)
    This educational session will cover the proper use of a Statim autoclave for body art procedures, important work practices for a busy studio, and how to safely maintain these machines in your everyday operation, and answers to your questions. Brian introduced these autoclaves to our industry in the 1990’s, and hundreds of professionals have come validated fast sterilization cycles, which makes them ideal for sterilizing jewelry and all the items as needed for each piercing. In this class we will explore how they should be handled in our daily routine. If you have a Statim in your studio or you plan to invest in one, this will be a familiarizing perspective you won’t want to miss!
  • Advanced Materials Standards & Applications (2h with Chris Glunt)
    Materials Used For Surgical Implantation and Their Correlation with Body Jewelry

    In this presentation, we discuss commonly used surgical implants, research and studies done to show the effects of implanting various materials inside the body and their relation to body jewelry.

  • Topics covered include metal sensitivity and immune reactions, scar formations, as well as the effects of material contamination and corrosion on the body.

MARCH 2012 : APTPI CONGRESSO in Milan, Italy

  • Advantages of Immediate Use Sterilization (2h)
    Brian Skellie discusses the efficiency of sterilizing what you need, when you need it, and standards for process validation. Getting more use from a B or S cycle autoclave, reducing waste and increasing high quality jewelry sales.

MARCH 2012 : Tribe 20th in Gothenburg, Sweden

  • Minimizing Tools Piercing Technique Workshop (2h)

December 2011 : APP affiliate Conference in Sao Paulo, Brasil CONGRESSO Educativo para Perforadores Corporais da América do Sul

  • Jewelry Materials Science
  • What is the APP?
  • Anodizing is Awesome

October 2011 : BMXnet conference in Essen, Germany:

June 2011 : APP 16th annual conference and expo in Las Vegas

  • Workshop sponsor for infection control and instrument processing
  • Monday June 6 (10:45-12:15) Working with a Statim Autoclave
    This educational session will cover the proper use of a Statim autoclave for body art procedures, important work practices for a busy studio, and how to safely maintain these machines in your everyday operation, and answers to your questions. Brian introduced these autoclaves to our industry in the 1990’s, and hundreds of professionals have come to work with them over the years. The Statim has fully validated fast sterilization cycles, which makes them ideal for sterilizing jewelry and all the items as needed for each piercing. In this class we will explore how they should be handled in our daily routine. If you have a Statim in your studio or you plan to invest in one, this will be a familiarizing perspective you won’t want to miss!
  • Thursday June 9 (2:30-5:00) Materials: Steel & Titanium 2011 (with Jason King & Chris Glunt)
    Part of being a professional piercer is understanding the materials we use for initial piercings. After attending the class you will have a working understanding of why we use the grades of Titanium and Stainless Steel that we do, with an emphasis on understanding the importance of ASTM designations F136 and F138. Although the class has been offered several times, the extensive research allows the class to be updated so it is always current and factual. The class is highly technical, detailed and informative.

February 2011 : Seminarios Educativos para Artistas del Body Piercing in Atacama, Chile 2011

May 2010 : APP 15th annual conference and expo in Las Vegas

  • Workshop sponsor for infection control and instrument processing
  • Workshops on Asepsis and Sterilization (2h each)
  • Biocompatibility testing (2h with Bethra Szumski)

September 2010 : BMXnet conference in Berlin:

October 2010 : Tattoo Expo in Barcelona

October 2010 : APP in Mexico City